Tuesday, November 23, 2010

16 weeks (4 months)---size of an avocado!

   I can't believe I'm a month away from being halfway done! Baby is the size of an avocado (about 4.6 inches and weighs 3.5 oz). It's hard to believe still that there's something in there. I've had a couple cramps here and there, so I know it's growing and doing some gymnastics in there, I'm just still waiting to be able to feel it! Apparently, the bones in the ear are starting to form, so baby will be able to start hearing things. The cupcake's also hard at work growing eyebrows, eyelashes, hair and taste buds! Mmmm, how's that thumb and amniotic fluid tasting?

   I called and made an appointment for an ultrasound. December 23rd! It will be our only ultrasound during the whole pregnancy (unless they find anything concerning and want to keep an eye on it. Let's hope not!) and that's fine with me. Besides the obvious of finding out the sex of baby (what everyone's always excited for), ultrasounds are used for diagnostic measures. During our 1 1/2-2 hour appointment, they'll check for the placental placement, crown-rump length (length of baby), the bi-parietal diameter (head size), femur length (longest bone in the body located in the thigh), abdominal circumference, and checking for syndromes such as Downs and spina bifida, hydrocephalus and congenital heart problems. And of course, baby's sex. Chris and I are still deciding how and when we want to tell people after we find out.


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