Tuesday, November 30, 2010

17 weeks---size of an onion!

   5.1 inches and weighing 5.9 ounces! Baby is growing away, with bones hardening from cartilage to bone this week. Fat is hopefully starting to be added, the umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger and fingerprints should be ready to go!

   No definite feeling of movement yet, though for the last week or so when I lay down at night, I feel kind of a "popcorn" sensation. Just a little "pop" here and a "pop" there. Sure, it could be digestion (or gas, like EVERYONE mentions), but I like to think it's the cupcake getting some late night exercising in while the uterus is still big enough to float freely around in.

   Haven't gained any weight yet, though everything in the abdomen is being moved around and redecorated as room is made for baby.

   Took half a Unisom last night (didn't feel like playing "Let's see who's still nauseous" today) and seem to be doing well. I think I'll stick with halves for another few days and then try going on empty for a night.

   Finally went to the gym and got a good workout in today. I've gone to yoga once or twice and the gym once or twice since I found out about the cupcake in September, but really, I've been too tired or busy (that second excuse is laaaaaaame and I know it!). It felt really good to workout today, did some light cardio and light weights, just trying to work back into a good routine. It's a huge change from the 6 months prior when I was doing a running program and hitting the gym 4 times a week. Part of it is that my work schedule has changed from working 6am-4pm (so easy to stop at the gym on the way home!) to mostly 12pm-10pm (I sleep as long as I can in the mornings, so there's no way I'm getting up to make it to the gym before work). The dogs have suffered a little too, they aren't getting walked as much. Just need to get a schedule figured out where I can go to the gym twice a week, yoga once or twice a week, and walk the dogs at least 3 times a week. School is over for the term, so maybe that will help a little. Wish I had the money to get back to my Barre3 classes, those were definitely nice, especially when I could talk people into going with me (Kelsey was my workout buddy for a while and we also talked Chris and Mike into going once or twice). Maybe I'll start saving up and treat myself to some classes after baby's born.

   Few more weeks until the ultrasound appointment. It seems so far away! Chris thinks baby will be a girl, I'm kind of thinking it will be a boy (I may be biased simply because every other pregnant person I know except one is having a boy!). I don't think either one of us is rooting for one or the other, it will just be nice to know and be able to start calling it "him" or "her" or by the name.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

16 weeks (4 months)---size of an avocado!

   I can't believe I'm a month away from being halfway done! Baby is the size of an avocado (about 4.6 inches and weighs 3.5 oz). It's hard to believe still that there's something in there. I've had a couple cramps here and there, so I know it's growing and doing some gymnastics in there, I'm just still waiting to be able to feel it! Apparently, the bones in the ear are starting to form, so baby will be able to start hearing things. The cupcake's also hard at work growing eyebrows, eyelashes, hair and taste buds! Mmmm, how's that thumb and amniotic fluid tasting?

   I called and made an appointment for an ultrasound. December 23rd! It will be our only ultrasound during the whole pregnancy (unless they find anything concerning and want to keep an eye on it. Let's hope not!) and that's fine with me. Besides the obvious of finding out the sex of baby (what everyone's always excited for), ultrasounds are used for diagnostic measures. During our 1 1/2-2 hour appointment, they'll check for the placental placement, crown-rump length (length of baby), the bi-parietal diameter (head size), femur length (longest bone in the body located in the thigh), abdominal circumference, and checking for syndromes such as Downs and spina bifida, hydrocephalus and congenital heart problems. And of course, baby's sex. Chris and I are still deciding how and when we want to tell people after we find out.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

15 weeks---size of an orange!

       The cupcake is 4 inches long (not including legs, just head to bottom) and weighs about 2.5 ounces. Apparently, the legs are now finally longer than the arms and all four limbs have functional joints. It's having a little party in there, but I can't feel it quite yet. Probably in the next few weeks. I'm really looking forward to it, but also heard the first couple times it feels really weird and kind of creepy. I'm definitely excited, because I think after feeling it move around, it's going to become "real". Yes, I've had the nausea and a little tiredness, bloating and we've heard the heartbeat, but besides that, it's all still kind of a dream to me.

       The quest for maternity jeans has finally ended! After looking at Walmart, Goodwill, Old Navy, Gap, Macy's and Fred Meyer, Target deserves the gold star! I did find jeans at Old Navy and Gap, but the sizes were weird (mostly really long which tends to be an issue when I look for regular jeans anyway). But Target... the jeans were comfortable, a decent length and pretty affordable. I haven't had any trouble finding shirts, luckily (I scored at the thrift store, Walmart and Old Navy).

       Haven't played the not-so-fun game of "let's see if I'm still nauseous or not" this week. I skipped Unisom one night last week and low and behold, was still sick the following day. I figure it'll probably be another few weeks, so maybe I'll try a Unisom-free night in December.

       Dreams have been a little more weird and interesting the last few weeks. I think part of it is the sleep aid (which doesn't do anything for my sleep problems. On days where I've skipped Unisom the night before, I'll get sick and then take a pill and be fine--nausea and sleep-wise--the rest of the day),  but I'm sure part of it is the pregnancy hormones. I can't remember any of the dreams now, but I definitely wake up thinking, "Where did THAT come from?"

       Chris and I are taking the dogs to the cabin in Tillamook for a few days. We usually go a few times a year and it's a nice little mini-vacation that we all enjoy. The last time we went (in September) was actually when we found out that I was baking the little cupcake, so that will be a fun little memory we get to enjoy every time we go back!

Friday, November 12, 2010

14 weeks---size of a lemon!

    Baby is now the size of a lemon! Practicing thumb sucking and toe wiggling, it's bouncing around and having a great time! I can't feel the movements just yet, but hopefully in the next few weeks.

    Had our second prenatal visit yesterday. Heard the little heartbeat and my midwife felt for my uterus moving up and expanding into my abdomen. I've got a little belly peeking through now, though most of it is bloating and not actually baby yet. I'll try to get a picture up soon. From the looks of it, I'm going to get ginormous. Ugh. There's really not a lot of room for baby to grow up and down, so it's going to be OUT, meaning I'm going to get very LARGE. Not really looking forward to that, but it's only for a short time.

    We will have our ultrasound sometime in about mid-December. We only plan on having one ultrasound done, as long as there isn't anything concerning found. That means we'll also find out the sex of the baby! Chris and I are trying to decide if we want to just tell people or have a "gender-revealing party" where we tell (almost) everyone at once. If we do that, it will most likely be the last week in December or possibly in January. We'll keep you updated as to what we decide.

One day before the 14 week mark. I was getting ready to go to my yoga class and figured, why not? 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

13 weeks (3 months, 1 week)--Size of a peach!

    Baby's continuing to grow... about the size of a peach, 2.9 inches and .81 ounces! This week, teeth and vocal cords are forming and the intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to the baby's tummy.
     I returned the doppler to a friend today and am kind of sad that I can't do my almost nightly checks for now (my friend is due in December, so maybe I'll get it back in the next month or so, ha ha. Though, by then, I might be able to feel baby moving around!). My mom got to hear the heat beat while she was visiting from the East coast, so at least Chris and I know we aren't just hearing things.
      Forgot to take my nightly Unisom last night and was sick today. Took a pill in the afternoon and have felt fine the rest of the evening, thankfully. Guess I'll have to take it a few more weeks (and hopefully that's it). Can't complain too much, though. Besides being a little more tired (and getting a little more winded going up and down stairs), I haven't had too many pregnancy related symptoms.
      I get to work an overnight shift this week at work, so I'm trying to prep my body for that. My sleep schedule has been a little off this last week with the wedding and friends and family visiting from out of town, so hopefully the 8:30pm-6:30am shift won't kill me.
      We have our second prenatal appointment with our midwife this next week and we're hoping to get an ultrasound appointment set up sometime soon!