Saturday, July 9, 2011

2 1/2 months!

     CC is 2 1/2 (or 10 weeks) old! I'm finally getting to the point where I'm recognizing that she does look a little bigger than she did when she was first born (I've been in denial). There are days when I can't wait for her to get  bigger (crawling, walking, doing stuff like help bake cupcakes or go to story time) and then there are times when I don't want her to get any bigger or grow up at all. I'm trying to just enjoy everything in the here and now and not focus too much on the past or the future, but it's hard!
Cool Cat! Getting ready to go to the Blues Festival in Portland with dad
       Last week when I was at Target, I saw something called the Simple Wishes nursing bra. It's for a double pump electric breast pump so that you don't have to sit there and hold the bottles with your hands. I was a little skeptical, but it made sense to me and seemed like a nice idea. I didn't have the money for it, but kept thinking about it throughout the week. Lucky for me, a woman on the Andaluz (waterbirth center) yahoo group had two that she wanted to give away for free! They were the size I needed and free is always a great price. I contacted her, hoping she had at least one left and I'm happy to say that I picked one up on Wednesday, used it Thursday and LOVE it! It's so nice to be able to eat something or read a book while I take 15-20 minutes to pump, instead of sitting there, staring at the wall. I'm so happy that I have it now and don't know how I didn't know about something like this sooner! And since I plan on breastfeeding (and in turn, pumping while at work) for about a year, I know this is going to be a very handy piece of "equipment"!
Tummy time! Working on getting that head up and neck strong. She uses this time as a leg workout and is always kicking around like a breakdancer

     There have been a couple nights where she's been sleeping 6-8 hours in a row (so nice!). She'll usually be up around 6-8am to nurse and then sometimes falls back asleep (sometimes with daddy). On the nights where she does wake up in the middle of the night (3-5am), Chris gets up, sometimes changes her diaper, and then puts in her bed with me to nurse where she promptly falls back asleep. I don't want to risk waking her, so I leave her in bed (instead of moving her back to the play pen/sleeper next to our bed) and usually don't sleep very well. I've always been a bad sleeper (I wake up a TON at night) and like to spread out, which is kind of hard to do, even when it's just Chris in bed. With a baby? Forget it. She sleeps in between us, so I'm not worried about her rolling off or us rolling onto her at all. I just want to stretch out! Oh well. It's worth it waking up to her sweet little bed hogging face. I'm pretty sure I spent 20 minutes the other morning just laying there looking at her and kissing her (which she slept through). I was almost late to work because of it. Bad baby! :)
"Hmmm... that dog looks weird. I don't think it's real..."

"Nope, it must not be real. It's not licking me back or sniffing my head!"
     We're moving in two weeks! I can't believe it. I'm really excited to have a mini yard for the dogs and to not have upstairs or downstairs neighbors, but I hate packing and moving (of which I've done over 25 times in my life. You'd think I'd be used to it by now). And now there's a baby in the mix. Oh the joy...

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