Wednesday, April 6, 2011

35 weeks!!

    About 5 weeks left (2 weeks until she's considered full-term)! So I suppose it could be anywhere from 2 to 7 weeks left! Still the size of a honey dew, weighing about 5 pounds and measuring about 18 inches in length.

    We got a changing table off craigslist for fairly cheap and have it mostly organized with supplies on the two shelves (still need to get more disposable diapers). Initially, I was going to get a pack n' play yard with a removable changing area attached to it, but that part only goes up to 15 pounds and I didn't want to have that in our room with Chris trying to change her when I'm trying to sleep (we're planning on having her sleep in our room for at least the first few weeks to make those multiple nightly feedings easier). So I completely nixed the play yard idea (we already have a crib in the other room and there's always the bouncy seat or car seat or swing or our bed that she can sleep in...) and decided to get an actual changing table. We also found a cheap, gently used wipe warmer on craigslist. It'll be nice to have the first few months, especially for those late night/early morning diaper changes. I realize that we will have to change her in other places and won't have a wipe warmer to use then (they do make cheap travel warmers....) but I'm mostly concerned with the first few months (and month 1, we'll mostly be at home, not traveling around a lot). I also got a stroller off craigslist that looks like it hasn't  been used at all. I was going to wait a few months to get that (considering we'll mostly be at home and can transport her around in either the car seat, a wrap or our arms), but I found the exact stroller I wanted for $30 cheaper than it's selling for in the store, so I figured, 'why not just get it now'? It matches our diaper bag and car seat (I'm not typically one of "those" people that have to have matching things, it just sort of worked out that way. Plus, the design is super cute. Brown and green with elephants). The car seat snaps right onto the stroller, which is a huge bonus.

     I feel like we have pretty much everything set and ready to go. Some diapers, clothes, crib, car seat, stroller, changing table, breast pump, wipe warmer, diaper bag, glider chair with ottoman... we're just so ready for our little Cupcake!

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