Wednesday, April 13, 2011

36 weeks (9 months)!

    I sat down to type up this week's post and got distracted with wanting to move the furniture here in the office/animal room/baby's room. I've moved a couple things to a couple different spots and haven't decided on anything, so I'm taking a break.
    I can't believe we're starting the last month! It's finally here, yay! It seems like it's been a long time coming, even though I've really had a super easy pregnancy. Let's hope it carries over into the labor! :)

   It sounds like the little Cupcake should be about 5 1/2 or 6 pounds this week (and adding about 1/2 a pound a week until she's here). Everything should be fully developed and functioning with the exception of the lungs and maybe the brain. But each day she gets closer to have fully developed lungs and the brain... well, that will keep developing for years, so I'm not too worried about that part!

    We have a prenatal appointment tomorrow at the Tualatin location (we've been there for one of our appointments a few months back and I really liked the lavender room. We want to go back a couple more times to get comfortable with both locations so that when the time comes, we'll have one or two rooms at each location that we like). Starting tomorrow, we'll have an appointment every week until labor (I think we're scheduled out until week 41... hopefully she's here by then!). Chris was unable to make the last two appointments (the only two he's missed and he was bummed about it), so I know he's happy to make it to the rest. My last appointment was pretty short anyway because Katherine had a woman coming in who was in labor. We did everything that we usually do (urine test, listened to the heart beat, felt baby and did some measuring), we just didn't have the full hour to talk, which was fine (I didn't have any questions or anything).

    I went to the chiropractor (finally) today because my hips are still hurting a little bit every now and then. My midwives suggested that I see someone just to make sure that everything's aligned okay (anything that will help make the labor and birth easier!). The doctor thinks everything looks and feels pretty good, but that I'm probably just sore from my tendons/ligaments loosening and my muscles trying to over-compensate for it. He suggested that I use a heating pad to help keep the muscles loose (I've been doing that anyway). I have another appointment next week.

   I started getting everything together for my trip to the water birth center so I don't have to run around last minute gathering things in between contractions. I have everything for Ayla all ready to go and in my car (car seat, diaper bag with diapers and wipes, an outfit or two for her, breast pump just in case--I'll have a lactation consultant before we go home--stroller, blankets, etc). I have most of my stuff ready to go, but not completely packed yet. I have a list and a spot where I have most of it ready for myself or Chris to grab if we need it. Some of it I can't really pack until last minute anyway (robe, glasses, contacts, mp3 player, etc).

                                                   36 weeks (9 months)! About 4 weeks to go!

                              Despite the watermelon I'm growing, the star tattoo is holding up really well!

                                                 My baby Cupcake is growing like she should!

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