Monday, February 14, 2011

27 weeks

   Behind on this week's blog, too. Oh well.

   Nothing new, really. Changing sleep positions (or rather, moving from laying on my left side to my right side) is getting irritating and uncomfortable. Every now and then I'll get the start of a leg or foot cramp, but can usually relieve it before it becomes a full-on charlie horse sensation.

   Omi's little baby Icen is here! She was admitted Sunday night and delivered Tuesday morning. I stopped by Monday morning before work and then again after work around 6pm. I was able to stay all night until about 5:30am Tuesday morning. Aaron slept off and on while Aundi and I tried to help Omi through contractions. She had a menagerie of drugs basically forced upon her because of the preeclampsia (high blood pressure, protein in the urine), but she managed to completely rock it and avoided a c-section. After getting the epidural around 5am, I decided to head home for a few hours of sleep (since that's what she'd be doing) before heading to a local elementary school for a few hours of volunteer work with SMART (Start Making a Reader Today). I got two hours of sleep, then was up and heading to the school. As I got to the parking lot about 9:15am, I was informed that Icen had arrived! I was totally super bummed (I almost started crying in the car), but happy that he was here, happy and healthy (for the most part). And I have to say, I was a little relieved that I'd be able to spend my two hours not worrying what I was missing and unable to pay attention. So I guess if I had to miss his birth for anything, at least I was doing something that hopefully makes a difference (as opposed to something like sleeping or watching tv). He's a little guy! 5 pounds 15 ounces, 20 inches, so his temperature was a little low as well as his blood sugar. But he's doing better and hopefully will start plumping up soon! I was able to spend about 4 hours with both him and mom and dad on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and I have to say, even that was not enough. He is way precious and I'm totally in love with him.

                                                    Aaron (dad) and Icen all bundled up
                              Ayla and Icen. We're going to force them to get married because we can... :)
Me and my future son-in-law! Look at how tiny he is! And how adorable he is! And his fantastic hat!

Chris and I took the dogs to the cabin this weekend. Staying up all night for Omi's labor FINALLY caught up to me the last few nights (I was pretty stoked because I had stayed up until 6am on Tuesday, slept for 2 hours, went to SMART, went back to the hospital, went to yoga with Laura, then finally went to bed around 10PM. Felt totally fine the next day and the next, then started getting a little more cranky and tired towards the evenings). Slept a lot, took Chris to SakeOne for their Valentine's weekend sake and dessert tasting, did some cross-stitching, played some card games with Chris... it was really relaxing!

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