Monday, January 17, 2011

24 weeks---6 months!

   I feel like the "bump" has grown a lot in the last few days, but I don't think it really has. It seems like my belly button is losing ground and going to be flat pretty soon. I've finally gained about 15 pounds! Still have energy and am able to get some gym workouts and dog walks in. I'm enjoying it and know it's only going to last a few more months before I get too big and uncomfortable.

    I've woken up a few times around 5 in the morning (way earlier than I need to be up) either hungry or just unable to sleep. Guess I need to start eating a bit more before going to bed and try to keep a better sleep schedule. I haven't been overly tired lately (except for this morning. Ugh, it was terrible. I could not get out of bed and go to yoga to save my life. I didn't get very much sleep a night or two before, though), but I'd rather keep it that way as opposed to being exhausted and trying to figure out sleep issues.

    I have the option of doing the blood glucose test in a few weeks (to check for high blood sugar/gestational diabetes), but I'm going to decline. The only testing I've done so far was some blood work around 6 weeks and the ultrasound around 20 weeks. Everything has been fine so far and some of the tests don't really conclude anything (they just put you on high alert which is the last thing you need while pregnant), so I'm not going to stress about it. I believe that when you're pregnant, your body is going to be a little haywire anyway, your blood sugar is going to fluctuate and unless you're having symptoms, exercise and a healthy diet are the way to go. My midwives leave the decisions up to me (no doctor pressuring me into unwanted options, yay!) and I feel confident in the choices I've made so far.

    If you haven't seen this site yet, check it out. I discovered it a few months ago and still get a laugh from the photos:  Awkward pregnancy photos!

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