Friday, May 6, 2011

1 week old!

     Little Ayla Cupcake is 1 week old today! Yes, she's been here a whole week. She was born last Thursday, April 28th at 5:47 pm (I will write a separate post about her birth day and the labor/delivery soon!).

     Things have been going very well! She's really making everything so easy (warning: to those of you who have or have had babies, the following may induce jealousy!). She sleeps a lot, waking about every 2-4 hours for nursing or a diaper change, sometimes sleeping for 4-6 hours. She barely cries and when she does, it's for about a minute or until you pick her up/feed her/finish the diaper change. I feel like I'm sleeping enough and able to take showers every day/eat/take care of myself or the animals. The two nights that we spent at the water birth center, she slept in bed with me and Chris (queen size bed... way better than those hospital beds!) and we've continued that since we got home. She takes naps in her crib (or on the couch or in your arms or on your chest... anywhere, really), but at night, she sleep between us in bed and it's working out really well for all 3 of us.

     Chris has been nothing but super helpful the entire time! He holds her, naps with her, changes her diaper, dresses her, refills my water bottle, offers to get/cook me food, takes the dogs out to potty or go to the park... I really don't know what I'd do without him! Like I said earlier, I've been able to take care of myself (shower, etc) and not worry about baby (of course, this is only when I can break away from holding her, kissing her, and staring at her for hours on end!). We take turns caring for her and ourselves and it really is working like a well-oiled machine. I love it! I was really worried about how my sleep schedule would be after baby got here, but I don't feel exhausted at all and I know it's because of him.

    Since Ayla has arrived, we've gone to a pub (on day 2, after we left the birth center. We went to Lucky Lab Brew Pub for the very end of the Super heroes party, celebrating the canine blood donors from Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital. My dog, Macchiato, has been donating since 2004 and reached 30 units!), the mall (I had to get a bigger bra because of nursing), the Lilac Gardens, to visit Chris' grandfather, a consignment shop (we needed newborn pants!), a short dog walk... I even went to the chiropractor a few days ago (who was surprised that I had a baby and came back for my appointment 5 days later!). I was active before the pregnancy, during and plan on staying active after! I'm definitely not overdoing it because I still have a little healing to do, but I think being active really helped during the pregnancy and labor, so I'm not going to stop now!

     We've had a few visitors (Grandma Leniger, Uncle Carl, Grandpa Leniger, Omi, Aaron and Icen, Grandpa Alsman, Uncle Justin and Aunt Kim) both at the birth center and at home. Tomorrow, Grandma Leniger is coming to visit again (she brought us groceries the other day! That was really helpful!) and we're going out to dinner with Uncle Justin and Aunt Kim. My friend, Zoe, is also coming over to take newborn photos! She does fantastic work and I can't wait to see all the great shots.


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