Wednesday, January 22, 2014

CC's going to be a big sister!!

One of CC's new favorite books!

     I'm just slightly over the halfway mark--21 1/2 weeks or so, with an expected due date of June 2nd. We're going in for the anatomy scan ultrasound this Saturday to get a look at Baby's heart, get measurements, etc. We had a 3-month ultrasound done (which we didn't do with Cupcake, aka CC) and it was nice to see another little baby-shaped Pecan growing.

      I haven't been keeping up on blogging (obviously), so here's a quick run down on this babe:

   1). Yes, this one was planned (yes, apparently some people have been asking my husband this question, which seems very weird to me and frankly, a little rude).

   2). No, we are not going to find out the gender (even though Chris is interested. I know it would get leaked accidently and I'm not okay with that). We have names picked out for either gender. A few people know them, so they aren't huge secrets, but I'm also not keen on posting them for the general public just yet.

   3). I'm finally over being nauseous 24 hours a day. I was so sick the first few months that I had to go in for IV fluids twice because I couldn't stomach even the thought of food or water. I was finally prescribed Zofran, an anti-nausea medication, which helped, but then I was treated to dealing with the side-effects of that. Whee.

   4). It's true when they say you are bigger with the second bambino. I felt this effect already at about week 5. As I type this, I feel extra stretched on my abdomen today. Guess I'll go home and slather on some lotion while I lay on the couch. CC brought on some stretch marks around month 8 or 9, but I have a feeling I'll have a whole new slew of 'em. It doesn't matter, I'm not a bikini model and I feel fortunate to even be able to carry babies for 9 months in my body.

   5). We are going back through the midwives at Andaluz Water Birth Center because we had such an amazing experience the first time. A medication-free, quick and fairly easy water birth that included a two-day stay, all meals taken care of, Baby in room with us, way more comfortable environment than a hospital, and a massage (for me) before leaving... it doesn't get much better, really. I'm also lucky enough to have one of my two midwives from the first time around, Dana, who I love. Here's the link for CC's birth story, if you're interested:

   6). I'm still trying to stay active, like I did with Baby Cupcake. Since I became a runner after having CC, I'm trying to continue getting out for some runs (or, more accurately, shuffles). I ran the Portland Marathon (26.2 miles) at about 6 weeks pregnant, a 10k race (6 miles) 2 weeks after that in October, and the Seattle Half Marathon (13.1 miles) in December at 3 1/2 months. I've slowed my roll on training, running, and racing (I completed 17 race related events in 2012, the year after CC was born, and about 20 events in 2013). In 2014, I'm only signed up for the Bridge to Brews 8k race (4.97 miles), which Chris, CC and I have run the last two years. It's one of our annual races that I figured I could at least walk at a bulging 8 months along. But I can do you one better----I'm signed up for the Whidbey Island Half Marathon the week after that in mid-April. I signed up for it last year before I became pregnant, because I got a super huge discount ($30 for a half marathon?! Yes, please!). I am waiting until I get closer to the event to see if I need to drop down to a shorter race (they have a 5k and 10k available). I would LOVE to do this Half Marathon, since I ran the Full Marathon--my first-- last year. Plus, my dad and my island family (Becky, Maddie, Kiah, and Ariel) are all running it this year. Go figure, right? It would be awesome to run this with them! Alas, even if I am still able to walk/shuffle through 13.1 miles, I'll be at the back of the pack. I may just jump down to a shorter race so that I can cheer everyone in "on the other side". Plus, that means I'd get to get a walk in, but be done early enough to relax and eat while waiting for them. We'll see. Since I didn't run with CC, my plan is to just take it day by day and see how I feel. I have another low-risk pregnancy at this point and have been running for 2 1/2 years prior to this little Pecan, so no, I'm not worried about any negative effects.

   7). I haven't been doing weekly/monthly pictures with this growing Bump (sorry, dude or dudette), but will try to snap a few pictures along the way as proof that I am actually pregnant again (don't worry, if you've seen me in person, there isn't any question. I can't even hide it underneath my scrub top at work anymore).


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