Friday, June 17, 2011

7 weeks old!

Cupcake: 9 lbs, 5 oz
Mama: Within 2 lbs of pre-pregnancy weight (minus some muscle)! Woot!


   Cupcake had her 6-week checkup at the waterbirth center (a week late) and everything looks good! She's still gaining weight and even grew about 2 inches (from 19.5 at birth to 21.5)!
            Ayla's certificate with foot prints from the waterbirth center!

                                                                             Her "birth leaf"!

          The "birth tree" at the Portland waterbirth center. Each leaf is a baby born with the Andaluz midwives, the peaches are twins, the little flowers are VBAC births (vaginal birth after Cesarian). Her leaf is down in the lower right hand corner by one of the peaches.

    She had her first babysitter experience on Wednesday evening! Kelsey and I went to the gym to try Zumba for the first time and my brother, Justin, came over to watch CC. He thought he was in for an easy, video game filled night, but she had a different plan that consisted of crying for 40 minutes after I left. I think she realized that she didn't totally know who this person was (despite visiting with him two or three times) and where the heck was her mama or daddy?! :) It sounds like Justin tried everything... bottle, swing, glider chair, walking around the living room... all I know is she was asleep in her car seat when I got home. Wonder if I'll get anymore babysitting offers from him...
 Chris and I found this at the Portland Saturday Market a few weeks ago. We can't wait to get a picture in place each month!

   I go back to work on Sunday. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Physically, I feel ready. Emotionally and mentally... that's where I go back and forth deciding whether I want to be back at work or not. My last day of work was April 27th (the day before she was born), so I know it's going to be a huge change of pace from what I've been doing at home. For some reason, I scheduled myself to work 40 hours my first week back (I know, I know...!) and 10 hours my first day back (what the...?!). I'm slightly concerned about my milk supply, because I've heard from several working mamas that it's hard to keep your supply up when you're working (despite efforts to pump at work and nurse baby all you can at home). I'm determined to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months (about the time you start introducing foods) and continue to about 1 year (depending on how everything goes, of course). I feel like we have a fairly decent milk supply in the freezer and I continue to try and pump once or twice a day (a reminder to other mamas out there... don't try to pump both sides at about 9pm at night before you go running on a treadmill. Baby will want to eat later on that night and be PISSED that you don't have milk. Yep, I learned the hard way. I had to give her a bottle of what I had pumped earlier, but she was not happy. Babies prefer boobs over bottles, for sure. I had forgotten that your supply tends to decrease over the day... I won't be doing that again).
 We finally got the photos we ordered from Ayla's Mother's Day shoot (when she was about 10 days old)! I found a frame and substituted the 7th photo with her foot print. 

     She's still sleeping in our room in the play pen and only occasionally in our bed. We have discovered that if she wakes up in the middle of the night and I nurse her laying down in bed, she falls right back asleep after she's done eating. That will be super nice after I go back to work, because I know I'm going to be exhausted. Trying to get up, take her to the other room, change her diaper, get set up in the glider chair, nurse her and then walk around to get her to sleep again (taking about an hour all together) is not going to be enjoyable when I work the next day. So far we've had a pretty good system of me staying up/getting up with her on nights where Chris works the next day. If Chris doesn't work the next day, he stays or gets up with her and gives her a bottle. But now that we've discovered this nice little secret of her going back to sleep in bed after breastfeeding, we're hoping it stays that easy. Sometimes Chris will get up, change her diaper and then put her in bed with me, which is really helpful (and he promptly passes back out, ha ha). I end up staying awake until she's done, but I bet after I start working again, I'll be so exhausted that I fall asleep when she's nursing. She's just about at the point where she can get herself set back up if she takes a little break and the boob falls out of her mouth, so that means I can totally sleep and not worry about it! Whoo!  

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