Saturday, June 4, 2011

5 weeks!

     Ayla is growing! We know this because her little newborn clothes are getting a little more difficult to get over her head (why they make newborn/baby clothes that you have to pull over their heads, I'll never know. It seems like they hate it!) and are fitting almost snuggly. Just a few more weeks and I'm sure she'll be in size 1 diapers, too. Ahhh, she's growing up too fast already! She's also starting to grab my hair when I'm holding her, so I have to keep it up in a ponytail most of the time. As for HER hair... well, it's growing a little, but it's longer in the back, so it looks like a mini mullet :)

     We started doing a little bit of bottle feeding this last week. She took right to the bottle, which was nice. It allows Chris to help out with feeding her from time to time (if I need to sleep or if I'm out). We're just starting with about once a day for now until I go back to work. That makes it easier for me to just breastfeed her when I'm awake/around and freezing what I pump for when I'm working. I have just a couple weeks until I have to go back, so I want to make sure the little I'm pumping every day is making up a good back stock (I want to freeze the bottles I'm making now as opposed to pumping and then just giving them to her). And the good news is that she is still latching on and nursing really well (forget about nipple confusion)! We also have given her a pacifier (or binky as we like to call it) a few times and she takes it about half the time. She really likes it when she's laying on the changing table, waiting for us to get her dressed. She's usually really quiet and good for diaper changes (she just looks around quietly),  but the getting dressed part... well, she doesn't like that so much. The binky helps a little. I initially didn't want to use a pacifier because I feel like it's a cheap go-to for when they're upset (it seems sometimes) and I don't want her to get dependent on it. We only give it to her when she's been fed and changed and isn't fussing about something, so it's less of a pacifier and more of something interesting and different for her to do. Sometimes she'll take it and sometimes she doesn't, so I'm happy with it so far.

     Today, we went to Portland Saturday Market. Of course, she slept through it all. We were parked over by Barre3 (NW 10th and Marshall) since Chris was hanging out with her at the park until I was done working out and she slept the entire walk to the waterfront and back and the drive home. Life is passing her by! :)

     I started working out again this week, hooray!! Kelsey and I went to Barre3 on Thursday (ballet/yoga/pilates in a 60-minute workout) and I went back again this morning. Yes, I'm a little crazy. I was still sore from Thursday (yeah for delayed onset muscle soreness!), but I  knew I could do it anyway. Don't worry, I'm taking it easy. I'll go back to Barre3 on Thursday, but I might try the apartment complex workout room for a little treadmill time. It'll  be easier to do that instead of go to the gym since I can just put Ayla in her carseat and cart her over to the workout room with me. My gym has a kid's area, but I don't want her to be in a daycare-like setting just yet. Too many germs!

     I'm reading two books right now. The first one, Brain Rules for Baby by John Medina, is really interesting! He's a developmental molecular biologist, but his writing is really easy (and funny) to read. I recommend it to anyone who's planning on getting pregnant, is pregnant, or has kids. The second book is Nursing Mother, Working Mother by Gale Pryor. It's got some good tips and information about mamas who want to continue breastfeeding after they go back to work.
                                                 Daddy's first time giving her a bath!
                   Not happy after hearing the bath does not come with a massage and pedicure

    I'm looking forward to going back to the New Mama support group at Andaluz on Monday (first and third Mondays of the month). The group is usually lead by a lactation consultant (she was gone during the last group), so it'll be nice to talk to her and get some more tips on breast feeding and keeping my milk supply up when I go back to work (I really want to nurse for as long as possible!). 

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