Wednesday, March 16, 2011

32 weeks... 8 months!!

   Cupcake is still the size of a squash and weighing around 4 pounds, with a length of about 16 inches.

   I had another prenatal appointment today with my midwife, Katherine. Chris was unable to make it (the first time he hasn't been to one of my appointments!) and might not be able to make it to the next one, either (just because of the scheduling/availability for prenatal appointments on Katherine's part). But I've got the rest of our appointments all scheduled out and he should be able to make those, no problem. I'm currently seeing one of my two midwives every 2 weeks. In a month, we'll move to weekly appointments (at the 36 week mark!).

   The baby shower is on Saturday and I'm so excited! I will definitely get pictures (especially since a friend from work is going to paint my belly that morning! Check out her website:

    My hips have still been sore since Relaxin (a hormone) is being produced to loosen up the ligaments in my hips for baby's arrival. My midwife says that CC is sitting kind of low in my pelvis, so that's probably part of it. I went in for a massage last night, hoping it would help, but no. After dinner, I sat in the tub for a bit, which helped a little and then used a lavender heating pad while sitting on the couch (one of the fantastic things Chris' mom got me for my birthday. Thanks, Peggy! I think I've used it every day since I got it, mostly for my  hips, a little for my shoulder). I have a chiropractic appointment set for Monday afternoon. I really hope that helps. The pain isn't constant and is about every other day (sometimes daily), but as the Cupcake gets bigger in the next 2 months, I'm sure it's not going to feel so great. I've never been to a chiropractor and am really nervous about the "cracking" and "popping" that gets associated with it.

    I found out through the HR person at my work that during maternity leave, I'll actually receive about 60% of my pay! Whoo hoo! I was worried that I'd only be able to use whatever sick and vacation time I had and then have to save money to cover the rest of the time I wanted to take off (about a month all together). Now that I know I'll get a little money while not working, I'll probably take closer to 6 weeks off (just depending on how everything goes). It's such a huge relief to know that I'll have a little bit of money coming in. I know, I know, only taking a month off seems crazy, but it was all I was going to be able to afford. After our last Childbirth Preparation class, I was really wishing I was able to take off more time (one of the women in my class was taking off 6 months! Lucky!), especially knowing that it can take up to 6 weeks for your body to heal and get back to normal.

    I'm feeling little hiccups about every day (or every other day sometimes) now. Chris was able to feel them the other day when I was at home and a friend at work was able to feel them one morning. They just feel like little heart beat pulses.

    While I was on the treadmill at the gym a few days ago, one of the guys that works there (and possibly the gym manager) came over to me. I paused my mp3 player and looked at him. He said, "I was just going to make a smart ass comment..." I continued to look at him until he said, "I was gonna ask if you could reach your magazine". (I had a magazine propped up on the treadmill "dashboard" and was flipping a page as I walked). He continued to ask me how long I had left, if it was my first and if I knew the sex. Then he started telling me about his kids, how he had one of each, yadda, yadda, yadda. The whole time I just kept thinking, "Can I get back to my workout now, buddy?" He just wanted to talk about himself (he's one of those guys that always tries to make a spectacle of himself at the gym).

    I'm starting to do some research on vaccinations for Ayla. I already know there are a few things that are typically done following the birth (testing, Vitamin K injection, eye goo application, etc) that I know I don't want (I don't see huge indications for them and Chris and I have talked and pretty much agreed). Vaccinations... ugh. I'm getting a book from the library that was recommended by one of my cousins and another that was recommended by the midwife who taught our Childbirth Preparation class. I know some people will  be shocked or have opinions on my refusing certain "normal" tests and procedures, but I've done my research and know what the risks and benefits are. I'm not refusing certain things just to be a rebel and I'm certainly not going to have things done because everyone else does. I feel like there aren't enough people who do their research and think for themselves and I don't want to be one of them. Besides, people take risks everyday that are more harmful than not getting a vaccination or neonatal test done (like riding in a car or walking on the sidewalk). Just like during my pregnancy... the only diagnostic or testing I've had done was the ultrasound at 5 months. No amnio, no glucose testing, no vaginal exams... and look, everything's going fine. I feel like a lot of the testing done during pregnancy is stressful and unnecessary and is only done because "that's what everyone does!" Well if everyone else jumped off a bridge...

1 comment:

  1. hey just was going to say, other good person to talk to about vaccinations (and references for good books, etc) is cousin amy.

    ps - how was the chiro? i've been seeing one throughout my pregnancy and i'm in love with him. :)
