Tuesday, February 15, 2011

28 weeks--7 months! Third trimester has started!

   Alright, third trimester here we go!

   Baby is still the size of an eggplant (about 14 inches in length and weighing about 2 pounds). Lungs should be fairly mature (in case of an early delivery, but don't worry. This cupcake still has some baking time left!) and she's just working on collecting fat deposits under her skin (which is wrinkly at this point). She should be able to blink and respond to changes in light (I'm pretty certain she is. If I'm sitting at home and feel her moving around, I'll lift up my shirt to watch the under-skin dance party and she'll stop. As soon as I put my shirt back down, she's dancing again).

   Still feeling pretty good. Things like bending over (and some poses in yoga class) are getting a little more difficult as the belly is expanding. Really enjoying watching her dance around when I'm sitting on the couch. The bumps and kicks are getting stronger by the week! I'm getting to the point where people (aka strangers) are really noticing that I'm pregnant and are making comments or asking questions (I keep getting, "Oh, when are you due?!" or "You look like you're expecting soon!"). I usually reply with, "About 3 months left, sometime in May". Then I'll think in the back of my mind, "Do I really look that huge?!" I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror at work the other day and had to stop. I've only gained 20 pounds so far, but I think (hopefully) most of it is baby, placenta, etc and not just me ;)  Chris keeps telling me that it's all in the belly and not anywhere else (what a good husband). I know I've gained a little in my hips and legs because certain pants are fitting a little more snug, but I don't think it's super noticeable to anyone else.

    Our childbirth preparation class was canceled last week because the midwife and back-up midwife for the class both got called to labors! The first class started a little late because the midwife was finishing up a birth downstairs. It'll be interesting to see how the following 4 classes go. I have one more monthly prenatal appointment and then I'll be going in every 2 weeks until week 36 when I'll go in once a week. It feels like it's taken a long time to get to this point, but it also feels like it's gone really fast on some days. I can't believe we're at week 28! About 10 weeks left! Yay!

                                                           The standard headless side-shot... :)

                                        And an (almost) full picture (with Machi in the background)

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