We just recently had our 5 month ultrasound (at 21 1/2 weeks) and are waiting to discover Baby Pecan's gender until they arrive in the tub at the water birth center. After our appointment, it was hard knowing that SOMEONE knew (the ultrasound tech), but that we didn't. By the end of the day though, I was happy with my decision to wait to find out. My dad had joked that we'd have to have a gender neutral name picked out, like Sandy (don't worry, we already have a boy name and girl name picked out), which made me think of a type of cookie called Pecan Sandy. And so a nickname was born :)
I've had a few dreams about the gender of the baby, but Baby CC (our almost 3-year old daughter... yes, I still call her 'Baby') is wishy-washy on what she thinks Pecan will be. We'll have to start taking bets, for those of you who are interested. There are quite a few old wives tales and gender prediction theories out there, so feel free to ask any questions. I'll try to get the 12 week ultrasound pictures posted soon.