Friday, July 29, 2011

Behind on posting...Baby is 13 weeks!

     Gah, I totally missed posting last week. I've been busy with working full-time and dealing with moving to a different apartment (and who are we kidding? I spend hours just looking at CC).

     We had a pediatrician appointment last week (or the week before... everything is blurred together at this point) for just one vaccination (the DTap). I was sick to my stomach just *thinking* about going back because our first experience with the vaccines was like getting hit by a bus (in case you hadn't heard, CC and I both cried. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest). When we got into the exam room this time, I grabbed some tissues, knowing the tears would flow (I would get teary eyed just thinking about Cupcake crying from the pokes). I didn't ask the nurse if either Chris or I could hold her this time (I knew if I opened my mouth, I would burst into tears). I took my position near her head, Chris stood next to baby and... POKE! She cried a "normal" cry for about 10-15 seconds and then she was totally over it! That little butt had me all nervous and upset and she ended up forgetting about it faster than I did. Sheesh!

     We have just about everything finally moved in to our new townhome. Chris and friends (Megan, Zach) and family (Carl and Peggy) did a big move on Saturday, with grandma watching Ayla and the dogs at the new place while everyone did the moving (I was at work for 10 hours... yay). He and I have been making small trips over to the "old place" over the last few days, making small trips and using the washer/dryer (our new place has hookups, but we don't have machines just yet). We're hoping tonight will be the last night we have to go over. Between the two of us, we should be able to get the cleaning done and the storage unit emptied.

     Cupcake and I went over to Zoe's on Tuesday for a photo shoot! I have one photo right now and will get the rest next week at Bunco. I can't wait! We also need to get an appointment at the photo studio in Hillsboro. Hopefully we can get that in the next few weeks.

Cupcake is 3-months old!
     Last week, Omi (and Icen), Zoe (and Lotus, Simon, Xander and Isaac) and I (and CC) all went to the zoo! I'm not sure what I was thinking, going on a weekday in the summer... the parking lot was packed! And that was the day I had stayed up until about 4am baking (and trying out the new "cupcake bites/pops/balls"--see picture below), then got up around 8:30 to do a volunteer thing at work. Funny thing about the zoo... I had never gone with a stroller before, but as soon as I got there, I knew it was a terrible idea. There were just so many people and it was kind of irritating to maneuver it around. Zoe had the right idea and had Lotus in a wrap carrier. I was going to do that initially, but then had to bring Omi her birthday cupcakes (and cupcake bites), that it was just easier to throw it all in the stroller. Omi got home pictures on her camera and I'll have to post them once she sends me a few.

Cupcake bites. First time I tried making them and Omi loved them!

Chocolate cupcakes with meringue buttercream frosting. Look like roses! Happy birthday, Omi!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Blankets on parade!

     Cupcake is 11 1/2 weeks! This Thursday marks the 3-month mark and it totally blows my mind. It's gone so fast!
Yo yo, homie! Wearing her cute knit hat made by one of my co-workers. She's looking at a bee toy on her bouncy chair. Chris and I joke that she hates the bee because he's smug and doesn't talk back to her

     Tomorrow we have her newborn hearing test (yes, a little late, but they didn't have any appointments until now. Plus, it's okay to have it done within the first 6 months). On Thursday, we have a 2nd pediatrician appointment (just for her DTap vaccine). I'm really dreading it. Ugh... I'm hoping that holding her during this shot helps (she was laying on the table last month when she got two shots). I know that she's fine and that I don't need to cry, but I can't  help it. It's just an automatic reaction. Maybe I'll get thicker skin in the next few months.

     CC stayed with grandma Leniger this last Sunday while both Chris and I worked. Sounds like she made it easy by falling asleep almost right after Chris left and slept for a few hours. When she woke up, she spent some time in the Bumbo seat.  She gets to stay with grandma again next week and two more Sundays next month. Uncle Justin and Aunt Kim have watched Ayla a few times, too. Uncle Carl came up from Corvallis one night to babysit while Chris and I had a date night. We're so lucky to  have family help out! Though, I'm not sure whether they want to help or just have snuggle time... :)

     It's moving week! We sign for our new place on Friday and start moving stuff on Saturday with the help of some friends and family (well, I'll be working, but I'm super grateful)!

     We've received several blankets and quilts since Ayla was born. Check them out!

Beautiful quilt made by Grandpa Alsman's friend, Teresa Green. I love it! Pink and rainbow-y!

Cupcake's name in the middle--Ayla Noelle Leniger

Sewn on tag

It says May 2011 because baby came 2 weeks early at 38 weeks. Go figure! She couldn't even wait an extra 3 days. Oh well.

From left to right: pink blanket from Grandma Leniger, cupcake blanket from Uncle Justin and Aunt Kim, cupcake blanket from my cousin Betsy. Cupcakes!!

Quilt from Aundi (made by her grandmother). Very cute!

Pink strawberry blanket from Chris' aunt. It's SO soft!

Blanket from Andaluz Water birth center

Handmade with Love from the Andaluz Midwives,  We love it!

Made by my aunt Tracy!


Saturday, July 9, 2011

2 1/2 months!

     CC is 2 1/2 (or 10 weeks) old! I'm finally getting to the point where I'm recognizing that she does look a little bigger than she did when she was first born (I've been in denial). There are days when I can't wait for her to get  bigger (crawling, walking, doing stuff like help bake cupcakes or go to story time) and then there are times when I don't want her to get any bigger or grow up at all. I'm trying to just enjoy everything in the here and now and not focus too much on the past or the future, but it's hard!
Cool Cat! Getting ready to go to the Blues Festival in Portland with dad
       Last week when I was at Target, I saw something called the Simple Wishes nursing bra. It's for a double pump electric breast pump so that you don't have to sit there and hold the bottles with your hands. I was a little skeptical, but it made sense to me and seemed like a nice idea. I didn't have the money for it, but kept thinking about it throughout the week. Lucky for me, a woman on the Andaluz (waterbirth center) yahoo group had two that she wanted to give away for free! They were the size I needed and free is always a great price. I contacted her, hoping she had at least one left and I'm happy to say that I picked one up on Wednesday, used it Thursday and LOVE it! It's so nice to be able to eat something or read a book while I take 15-20 minutes to pump, instead of sitting there, staring at the wall. I'm so happy that I have it now and don't know how I didn't know about something like this sooner! And since I plan on breastfeeding (and in turn, pumping while at work) for about a year, I know this is going to be a very handy piece of "equipment"!
Tummy time! Working on getting that head up and neck strong. She uses this time as a leg workout and is always kicking around like a breakdancer

     There have been a couple nights where she's been sleeping 6-8 hours in a row (so nice!). She'll usually be up around 6-8am to nurse and then sometimes falls back asleep (sometimes with daddy). On the nights where she does wake up in the middle of the night (3-5am), Chris gets up, sometimes changes her diaper, and then puts in her bed with me to nurse where she promptly falls back asleep. I don't want to risk waking her, so I leave her in bed (instead of moving her back to the play pen/sleeper next to our bed) and usually don't sleep very well. I've always been a bad sleeper (I wake up a TON at night) and like to spread out, which is kind of hard to do, even when it's just Chris in bed. With a baby? Forget it. She sleeps in between us, so I'm not worried about her rolling off or us rolling onto her at all. I just want to stretch out! Oh well. It's worth it waking up to her sweet little bed hogging face. I'm pretty sure I spent 20 minutes the other morning just laying there looking at her and kissing her (which she slept through). I was almost late to work because of it. Bad baby! :)
"Hmmm... that dog looks weird. I don't think it's real..."

"Nope, it must not be real. It's not licking me back or sniffing my head!"
     We're moving in two weeks! I can't believe it. I'm really excited to have a mini yard for the dogs and to not have upstairs or downstairs neighbors, but I hate packing and moving (of which I've done over 25 times in my life. You'd think I'd be used to it by now). And now there's a baby in the mix. Oh the joy...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

First pediatrician appointment

   Cupcake is 9 weeks old!
   Weight: 9 lbs 14 oz (46 percentile)
   Height: 21 3/4 inches (49 percentile)

Seriously, how cute is this? 

Love this outfit, but sadly it's been retired. It's really hard to get her head in it!
     We went to the pediatrician for the first time on Thursday! We had gotten a pediatrician referral list from the birth center, but it took us awhile to look over it and pick someone. After narrowing it down to 3 or 4, we looked at websites, locations and initials (I wanted to go through a naturopath, but I think Chris felt more comfortable with an M.D.). After discussing over a few days, we finally decided on Dr. Paul Thomas at Integrative Pediatrics (or rather, I decided and Chris didn't have any objections). The clinic is fairly close to us (hwy 217 and hwy 26, right down the street from St. Vincent's) and the doctor is a doctor (though he approves of alternative vaccine schedules and using natural/organic/holistic when possible and medications only when necessary). I really liked the website, it was very informative and Dr. Thomas has accomplished a lot in his career (

     After filling out paperwork, we were taken back to get CC's height and weight and speak with the Nurse Practitioner.  She was very nice and answered any questions we had. She examined baby and commented on how strong she is (she said she has very good head control and neck strength and could blow 4-monthers out of the water!). She went over a little vaccine information with us (we were still on the fence about whether we wanted to vaccinate or not and I had some questions regarding a few of the recommended shots). She gave us a few minutes to talk about it and said that we could have one, none or all of them that day. I didn't feel pressure from her at all (or the first nurse we saw) and it was really appreciated. I'm not totally against vaccines, I think some of them are really good and helpful, but I'm not convinced that the current recommended vaccine schedule is the way to go (getting 3-5 vaccines in one visit, a few of those already being multiple vaccines, so it ends up being 3-7 things at one visit. That just seems like a lot for anyone's body to deal with, especially a two-month old. Plus, the jury is still out on how the aluminum in vaccines can cause reactions/harm, so getting more than one vaccine containing aluminum in one visit can be risky depending on who you ask). Chris and I have already agreed and declined on some vaccines (hep B at birth, for example), so we knew we'd have to keep researching the other vaccines that babies are "supposed to have". In Oregon, you're allowed to claim religious exemption for any or all of the vaccines when your child enters daycares or schools. I'm not typically someone who does something just because "that's how it's done"; I like to research and see what my options are and what I think is best for me or my family. I get some arguments from some people about it sometimes, but ultimately it comes down to what Chris or I want/think/feel is important. Anyway, we ended up getting CC the Hib and Pc vaccines and let me just tell you, the cry that came out of her little body was terrible (as I'm sure any parent knows). I can listen to babies cry and know that they're fine, but my body had a totally different reaction to my own baby. About 5 seconds after the first injection (and making a light comment about how "that's a new one we haven't heard" in regards to her cry), I couldn't help crying. I knew she was fine, but I had no control over it. She received the second shot and then the nurse told Chris he could pick her up (he was holding her hands as she lay on the exam table). I went over to them and had to restrain myself from ripping her from his arms. I was finally able to say to him, "I'll take her" (it's hard to talk when you're trying to hold back from bawling and collapsing on the ground). He handed her to me and she calmed down a little, but kept crying, so we had a little cry fest together. Sheesh. No one said it was going to be that hard! ;) Next time, I'm definitely going to tell the nurse that I want to hold/nurse her when she's getting the shots (or hold and try to nurse right after the shots, though I don't think Cupcake will go for that. She was pretty focused on the crying the first time). And maybe they'll have some earplugs and blinders for me so my heart doesn't explode into a million pieces again. Ugh.

Taking a nap with daddy on the couch
     We're officially out of newborn size diapers and CC's wearing size 1! It doesn't seem like she's grown very much (but she obviously is), but the 1's are working well (no more  blow-outs... for now, anyway). I think we're going to officially retire her newborn onesies in the next week or two as well. There's one outfit (pictured above) that definitely does not fit over her head anymore. We've been experimenting with the size 0-3 month clothes this last week.

Nap time for everyone (Pogo loves being around her! I can tell they're going to be very good friends as she grows up)