The swelling has remained very minimal (and maybe even gone down), which is great! I was worried that it would just keep getting worse. It seems like I had a case of heartburn last night, though. I was just sitting on the couch and felt like I had swallowed a penny that got stuck in my chest. Ugh. I think it was heartburn, but who knows (I've never had it before). I've had some sinus congestion/possible allergies the last few days, so that's been making sleeping (and breathing) even more uncomfortable. I feel like I'm getting better and should be fine in the next day or two.
We have a lot of plans in the next week or so! On Thursday, Chris and I are hoping for nice weather so we can go to the Tulip Festival in Woodburn (our first year!). From the pictures I've seen online, there's a ton of color out there (thanks to the few days of sun we've had), so it'll be nice to go out and see it in person (and hopefully get some good pictures). On Saturday, we're going to the Superheroes party thrown by Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital (where I work). It's for all the dogs in the blood donor program! Macchiato's been a blood donor since 2004 and he's donated over 30 units of blood (he's in the 30 Plus club, which a lot of dogs don't make it to). I'm so proud of him! :) I was unable to go last year (I had to work), so I was determined to go this year. I was kind of thinking it might be his last year to donate (he turned 9 in February), but now I know that it will be his last. When Chris took him up to Friday Harbor last month for a teeth cleaning and to have some bumps removed (Chris' aunt is a vet!), one of the biopsies on the bumps looks like it might be early stage melanoma. Ugh... I'll have to keep an eye on any other bumps that show up and have them removed. I'm not too worried though, I know he's going to live to be at least 15, bouncing off the walls like the crazy puppy he is. Anyway, after the Superheroes party, I have a henna tattoo appointment to have my belly done up in henna! I'm really excited about it! I had kind of come to the conclusion that I didn't really want to have maternity photos done, but with the henna, I think I might want at least a few shots... we'll see. Next week, I have Bunco and it's my last week of work! Whoo hoo!
38 weeks (9 1/2 months)